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INTO passion | January 13, 2025

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Body, Mind, Earth: Boho Beautiful

Body, Mind, Earth: Boho Beautiful
Paulina Grabara

I came across Boho Beautiful project some time ago: yoga, healthy food, looking for balance and quality life. Juliana and Mark, married couple, who travels the world looking for unique locations to shoot their inspiring content. 

They motivate us to become a better version of yourselves, to give more kindness to the world and most of all to take care of our planet earth. When I am watching them I feel this calm, concious happiness. Boho Beautiful is a different world for me, different from many you can find on Youtube. In my opinion they show us something better, like living quality life.


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Boho Beautiful Project

They have more than 800 000 subscriptions on their YouTube channel, and Boho Beautiful seems to be a successful project, which has become their life and business and they are very fortunate for that. „We have many different outlets such as YouTube and our online store that allow us the freedom to travel, shoot content, and share our experiences with our community. Social media definitely plays the major role in our business as it is the outlet that we use to put out our content for everyone all over the world”.



I cannot resisit to ask them about happiness – is it not something we are all looking for? „Everyone has their own version of happiness and we believe that, in the end, true “happiness” is something each of us strives to obtain in this lifetime. There is no secret in discovering happiness because happiness comes from within. It is seeing the world you are in from a perception of gratitude and appreciation“. For Juliana and Mark it means following their hearts, allowing that inner voice to guide our steps forward. Always appreciate the present moment. “Find gratitude in your everyday life and through that you will find true happiness” – it can sound trivial to some of you, but simplest trues are usually the most accurate.



Nature plays a key role in their life: „Nature grounds us, it reminds us of the interconnectivity of everything. When we connect and surround ourselves with nature we feel like we return closer to home. We are all connected and deeply rooted with Mother Earth, weather we see it or not. It’s easy to lose track of your connection when you are so consumed by the materialist world of status, money and power” – it all drove them out of the city life. “Nature is simple and it follows its own rules. Being closer to Mother Earth is what allows us to see our place in this existence and the more people surround themselves with that energy it will help so many realize how short and precious our time is here on this planet, and that is very grounding to us”.


Husband and wife

This kind of work seems to be very challenging and time-consuming. It’s crucial to find time for each other. „Life is all about balance and even when our job is our life and we work pretty much 24/7, we still make sure to find time for ourselves. Whether that is a few hours on a beach, a quiet dinner together or a one day getaway. No matter how busy life gets we always make sure to take a time out from it all and dedicate time to our own well-being and quality time together as husband and wife.


Yoga and meditation

I believe a very important part of Boho Beautiful life is yoga and meditation. Maybe it’s also at least for a bit responsible for their happiness. „We think it’s important to find at least 15-20 min a day for yourself, no matter how busy our lives get”. They explain that allowing even a short amount of time to focus on ourselves, to connect with our mind and body is crucial in maintaining a healthy and happy life. “Even if it’s a 10 minute breathing meditation, it’s better than nothing at all. ;)”.




Healthy diet

I have been wondering many times if we are what we eat and I have a feeling that Juliana and Mark would agree with that. They believe that the vegan diet is the best for our body. „Our bodies are our vehicles to life and in order for our vehicles to run smoothly and without any trouble we must fuel them right. Eating a plant based diet has been the key to helping us stay fit and healthy no matter where we are in this world. The more we eliminate processed food and food that has caused pain and suffering to another creature, the more we feel an increase in our energy and overall wellbeing. Like anything else in this world, food is energy. When we consume animal flesh and its products there is a lot of negative energy that comes with it as well. The pain and suffering that an animal feels before being turned into a hamburger is what we intake into our own bodies, energetically. So when we begin to look at food from a different perspective and eat more from the Earth, which contains “higher frequency” energy, we will truly understand how that affects us physically and emotionally. Besides eating plant based, eating local and supporting your local farms and communities or even trying to grow your own food is the best way to change the way we look at food.




“Like anything else in this world, food is energy. When we consume animal flesh and its products there is a lot of negative energy that comes with it as well. The pain and suffering that an animal feels before being turned into a hamburger is what we intake into our own bodies, energetically. So when we begin to look at food from a different perspective and eat more from the Earth, which contains “higher frequency” energy, we will truly understand how that affects us physically and emotionally. Besides eating plant based, eating local and supporting your local farms and communities or even trying to grow your own food is the best way to change the way we look at food”.


Future plans

Finally I ask them for their plans but they agree that planning ahead longer than 6 months is very difficult at the moment. “Definitely there will be more traveling ahead of us. We are about to leave for India and Sri Lanka for the summer”.


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and of course Youtube:


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