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INTO passion | Marzec 16, 2025

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About Ilona Maria Anna

Ilona Maria Anna

Ilona Maria Anna

International Relations graduate, with specialization in Diplomacy and Intercultural studies. Ilona is interested in politics, literature, fashion and travelling –all that assists her in the activity for Destino Communications PR agency. She has a goal to visit all the states of Latin America, Persian Gulf and Western Europe.

Posts By Ilona Maria Anna

Paris: The Fairytale of Life

sierpnia 12, 2014 |

France is a beautiful country and its language was once the primary international language used for political, social and economic cooperation and interactions. For centuries the country was seen as a symbol of diplomacy and successes. That was the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi who designed the Statue of Liberty that is located now in the New York city, and is a gift from the people of France to the United States. Tourist trips to France are extremely popular as here you will have a chance not only to see beautiful places but to enrich your inner world and increase knowledge with all the exhibitions, concerts, museum and historical places.

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Ukraine: The Land of Beauty

lipca 14, 2014 |

Winter of 2014 brought many changes as to the international system as to the internal system of Ukraine. The country that was known for its separateness from European states and allegiance with Russia, comes back to its roots, comes back to Europe. People of Ukraine fought for their freedom, liberty and choice.

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Pearl of the Arabian Gulf: the United Arab Emirates

lipca 7, 2014 |

One of the increasingly popular tourist destinations is the United Arab Emirates. The country lies on the blue waters of the Arabian Gulf. With its blooming gardens, VIP luxury hotels and the abundance of tourist attractions it constitutes a dream-place for the most demanding tourist.

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Fashion in Politics: Stylish First Ladies

lipca 1, 2014 |

Combination of fashion with politics is a very strange one, however it has an important place in our modern world. When it comes to women connected with politics, they have to be careful with what they wear but also to which occasions, as they are the object of attention for journalists, paparazzis and ordinary people. How does the status of a first lady change the style and fashion preferences? Or were they the same before they acquired that status? We will take a look on the most famous ladies in politics of the last decade.

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