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INTO passion | Grudzień 22, 2024

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Bon Ton

Oriental eclecticism in Temple Tree Resort/Langkawi

stycznia 27, 2014 |

POLISH  Chinese, Malay, Indian and Euro-Asian elements mix completely naturally in Temple Tree at Bon resort. 8 villas, which are from 70 to 110 years old: smaller are rented as a whole, in bigger it is possible to rent a single room. The resort was built on a 100-years old coconut tree plantation. It is located only 5 minutes from the wide, sandy beach in Pentai Cenang.

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Temple Tree Resort/Langkawi/Malezja

stycznia 3, 2014 |

POLISH  Chinese, Malay, Indian and Euro-Asian elements mix completely naturally in Temple Tree at Bon resort. 8 villas, which are from 70 to 110 years old: smaller are rented as a whole, in bigger it is possible to rent a single room. The resort was built on a 100-years old coconut tree plantation. It is located only 5 minutes from the wide, sandy beach in Pentai Cenang.

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Temple Tree Resort/Langkawi/Malezja

grudnia 9, 2013 |

Chińskie, malajskie, indyjskie i euroazjatyckie elementy mieszają się zupełnie naturalnie w resorcie Temple Tree at Bon Ton. 8 willi, które mają od 70 do 110 lat: mniejsze wynajmowane są jako całość, w większych można zająć pojedynczy pokój. Resort powstał na ponad 100-letniej plantacji drzew kokosowych, znajduje się zaledwie 5 minut od szerokiej, piaszczystej plaży w Pentai Cenang.

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Photo Story: The Cats Of Bon Ton

grudnia 7, 2013 |

When you book a room at the Temple Tree Resort at Bon Ton you will most probably get it with a cat…or two. Even if you play stubborn and refuse to let them inside they will get you at the restaurant or the pool. So the best way is to enjoy their company and remember its the cats who are really at home there. Read More