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INTO passion | September 12, 2024

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BERLIN loves kids

BERLIN loves kids
Paulina Grabara

This year we spent the winter holidays in Berlin. Holidays in the city, you may ask? But the vacation was perfect, because Berlin loves children. Every place in the city offers something special for kids, and I don’t mean special attractions, as Legoland Discovery Center or Aqua Dome, but restaurants, places like Markthalle Neun, where the central point is a mini-playground for children. Thanks to this, our children are busy, and we – standing or sitting next to the table-  can try delicacies from numerous stands or just enjoy prosecco. In addition, at every step our trip around the city, we meet very friendly and helpful people – and it is worth mentioning.

Translation: Valeriia Honcharuk, Paulina Grabara-Król 

Stay: FB: intopassion, IG: into_passion oraz IG Natalki hellofromnatalia



We spent 5 days in Berlin, and we planned one big attraction for kids per day. None let us down, and even those that could be boring for children, were interactive, attractive, and educational. In addition to the attractions we visited, we describe to you a Museum of Spies, which everyone recommended to us, but this time we didn’t have time to visit it.

Nabywając taką kartę trójka dzieciaków do 14 roku życia może podróżować z Tobą za darmo.

What else do you need to know? If you decide to buy the Berlin Welcome Card (a 48 or 72-hour card that allows unlimited use of transport in Berlin), you will receive discounts on approximately 200 attractions (depending on the attraction from 25 to 50%). Having such a card, three children under the age of 14 can travel with you for free.

We hope to inspire you on a family trip to Berlin!



Berlin Legoland Discovery Center is a huge indoor playground with over 5 million Lego bricks. You can see the most important sights of Berlin built from Lego (this is an interactive entertainment for children who can press a button to move the car), see how the bricks are made at the Lego factory – and you can make one for yourself!

There is a tunnel of fear that Natalka especially liked, space where you can play and shoot with small balls, a cinema where you can watch a movie in 4D, and many lego bricks, as well as downhill tracks and loops that can be overcome by cars – anyone can play and create such a machine that would not crash and can go through the loop.

Ticket prices: 19.50 euro (promotion when buying online 13.70 euro)








First of all, that is worth knowing that tickets to the zoo and aquarium can be bought together or separately, because each place has a separate entrance. The aquarium area is 3 floors, where you can admire not only fish, but also amphibians and reptiles. Natalka liked the stands where she could stroke the fish. As for the zoo, the territory is huge, and there are also the most animal species from around the world. There is also what to do here when the weather is not the best, in addition, you can find out many interesting facts about animals – for example, in the house of monkeys we saw what individual species of monkeys eat. By the way, little pandas have just been born in a zoo – maybe you can see them with a little luck.

Ticket prices: adult (Aquarium) 16 Euro, 22 Euro (Zoo and Aquarium);

Children’s (4 to 15 years old) Aquarium 8 Euro, 11 Euro (Zoo and Aquarium),




3. Sea Life

Sea life-themed aquarium attraction we really enjoyed. A long corridor leads us along 37 smaller and larger pools where more than 5,000 sea creatures live: we can meet an octopus, sharks, rays, seahorses and many other species here. Nas zachwyciło najbardziej stanowisko z pełnym plastiku zbiornikiem, z którego można było wyciągać śmieci z wody. Doskonała i bardzo edukacyjna zabawa. Do tego Natalkę zachwyciła możliwość oglądania skamielin np. muszli pod mikroskopem, a nas – szklany tunel, w którym nad naszymi głowami podziwialiśmy płaszczki i rekiny.

We were most impressed with the stand with a full plastic tank from which you could pull garbage out of the water. Excellent and very educational fun. In addition, Natalka was delighted with the opportunity to see fossils, for example, shells under a microscope, and us – a glass tunnel in which we admired the rays and sharks above our heads.

It is worth knowing that AquaDome is currently being modernized (this is a glass elevator in the aquarium – fishes are floating around) and this part is closed. In compensation, we received free tickets to Little Big City Berlin.

Ticket prices: Adults 19Euro (online discount 13.30Euro), children 15.50Euro (online 10.90Euro)








Jak ciekawie przedstawić historię miasta, by zainteresowała dzieci i dorosłych? Berlińczycy to wiedzą. To muzeum jest moim największym pozytywnym zaskoczeniem – super interaktywne pozwala poznać historię dzięki imponującym modelom 3D, a te robią wrażenie. Dzieciaki w każdym miejscu mogą coś wcisnąć, dzięki czemu wprowadzają np. balona w ruch albo Marlena Dietrich rozpoczyna swój występ. Naszą ulubioną rozrywką było przewracania muru berlińskiego, po czym wybuchały fajerwerki i można było usłyszeć przebój Davida Hasselhoffa “Looking for freedom”. Ja za 5Euro kupiłam też fajny zeszyt z historią Berlina.

Ceny biletów: osoba dorosła 16Euro (online 10Euro), dziecko 12Euro (10Euro)

How to present the city’s history in an interesting way so that it is interesting both for kids and adults? Berliners know this. This museum is my biggest positive surprise – very interactive, introduces you to the history thanks to the impressive 3D models. The kids can push something anywhere, thanks to which they put the balloon in motion, or Marlene Dietrich starts her performance. Our favorite pastime was turning the Berlin Wall, after which fireworks exploded and you could hear David Hasselhoff’s hit song “Looking for freedom”. I also bought a nice notebook with the history of  Berlin for 5 Euro.

Ticket prices: adult 16 Euro (online 10 Euro), child 12 Euro (online 10 Euro)


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To największe muzeum historii naturalnej w Berlinie, do którego wybraliśmy się głównie ze względu na miłość naszej córki do dinozaurów. A właśnie tu – w sali dinozaurów – czeka nie lada gratka – największy złożony szkielet dinozaura na świecie. Duże wrażenie zrobiła na nas także wysoka ściana wypełniona słoikami z alkoholem, w których przechowywane są prawdziwe zbiory naukowe ponad 3000 gatunków zwierząt, od rekinków, po węże i ryby.






To tu możesz zanurzyć się w świecie szpiegów i tajnych agentów. Dwa poziomy, ponad 200 komputerów, stanowiska multimedialne, a także projektory laserowe zapewnią zabawę młodszym i starszym. W muzeum znajduje się między innymi sekcja poświęcona kryptologii, gdzie będziemy mogli przyjrzeć się z bliska maszynom do szyfrowania informacji. Ciekawa może się też wydawać część wystawy poświęcona zimnej wojnie, a także ekspozycja poświęcona filmowym szpiegom.

Ceny biletów: osoba dorosła 12Euro, dzieci do lat 6 za darmo, bilet ulgowy 8 Euro.

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